Research Requisites in the Issue of the Qur'an and the Contemporary World

Document Type : Original Article



Qur'an is the Muslim's identity-giving revealed book and firm cable throughout the history. This book, as believed by the adherents of Islam, is a rich and valuable instruction manual for man's inclusive fostering and guidance both in individual and social aspects and in all times and places, including the contemporary era. However, demonstrating and defending this notion requires paying attention to certain points and discourses that the present article is partly undertaking to review. It is supposed and claimed in this article that failing to note these key points will confront the process of research concerning the ability of the Qur'an to respond to the needs of the contemporary society and to defend this ability with many difficulties and problems. With a theoretical-applied approach and after explaining the requirements of the discussion, the article will state some of the points which are necessary to take into consideration in research about the Qur'an as being a living and generative entity in today's world. These requisites have been formulated under such rubrics as topicology, Qur'anology, audience-study, methodology, and pathology.