An Introduction to the Sociology of Family in the Qur'an

Document Type : Original Article



This writing takes a brief glance at certain sociological discourses of family. The topics dealt with in this article are: definition of family; formation of family; different types of family, different types of marriage; the status of women; parents; children; preserving the entity of a family; and the criteria for selecting a family.
In the definition of a family, the writer has an inclination toward the extended family; and in discussion of family formation, he does not believe in sexual anarchy. Different forms of family are regarded to be bigamous, compound, female-dominated, and extended family. Whereas, different types of marriage are considered to be eloped, captive, transactional, temporary, shighār (by compensation), exchanging, amānī (in trust), group, swapped, and inherited.
Criteria for choosing a spouse are introduced to be faithfulness, chastity, competence, comfortingness, suave-speech, age proportion, and humility.