In this article, the writer undertakes to analyze the good and evil, various types of evil, and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī's solutions for removing the inconsistency of the existence of good and evil with Almighty God and His attributes.
In his discourse on the analyzing of good and evil, he brings up two analyses by ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī. According to the first analysis, ‘Allāma regards good as existential and evil as non-existential. According to the second analysis, the author of Al-Mīzān introduces good as essentially desirable and evil as essentially undesirable. In the discourse concerning various types of evil, ‘Allāma's view on the semantic development of good and evil is touched upon and then his view about the division of good and evil into creational and legislative is reported. Similarly, in the discourse about solutions, three solutions approved by ‘Allāma are reviewed as follows: First solution: good and evil are relative rather than essential. Second solution: evils are non-existential rather than existential. Third solution: evils are necessary for the fulfillment of good.