The Impact of Social Actions on Process of Progress on the Basis of the Qur’an’s Teachings

Document Type : Original Article



Development and sublimation, and faring the path of perfection in today’s conditions is regarded an inevitable and definitive requirement for the human societies and this will not be achieved except through planning and devising a guideline for moving toward development. Thus, devising the progress guideline has been taken into consideration by many elites since long time ago. The thinkers in Islamic societies have not been an exception to this rule, either; they can undertake this task proportionate to the Islamic culture by using the Qur’an as the only source of Revealed Words of Allah.
The present paper is intended to identify various kinds of social actions as one of the variants in the process of progress based on the Qur’an’s teachings and has, in this respect, undertaken the Qur’anic study through the methodology of quality investigation and background theory mechanism. In background theory, three types of concentrated, pivotal, and selective coding have been used for classification of the data. On this basis, first, the concepts and categories related to the Qur’anic verses have been extracted and their relation to each other has been explained and finally, a theory on various social actions in the process of progress has been formed. These groups of actions include control, correctional, participatory, cohesive, and emotional actions that would interactively prepare the type of background for progress.       


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