The Cultural Strategies of Social Influence of Religion in the Qur’an’s Teachings

Document Type : Original Article




The present Iranian society is facing many social, cultural, and economic losses, which is indicative of its distance from the healing prescription of the Qur’an. The problem is that with the expansion of communications and the management of the possessors of money and power, the “globalization of culture” has doubly expedited through the social networks and media and standing against it with reliance on personal standards and tastes is not possible and requires possessing strategies for social influence of religion from within religion. Thus, this research is intended to extract the cultural strategies of social influence of religion from the Qur’an’s teachings, which has been possible through using the method of analyzing the qualitative content and Granded theory. This research has extracted and presented thirteen cultural strategies of social influence in the Qur’anic teachings, which include: the current culture of the society, similitude and parable, short messages of objective and experiential patterns, travelling and tourism, using history, gradation and continuation in presenting messages, cultural proportion with the addressees, understandability of the messages, explicitness and eloquence of the messages, implicitness of the messages at early stages, preserving the originality of the messages and speaking the same language as the addressee.

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