The Qur’an, a Scale for Historical Reports on the Great Prophet’s (S.A.W.) Life

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Qum Islamic Ma’aref University


Evaluation of historical reports and distinction of the pure from the impure is one of the concerns to the researchers of history. Since untrue, distorted, and fabricated traditions have found their way into the written sources, the sorting out and obtaining sound traditions is of utmost importance. With an analytic-descriptive procedure, this article is intended to examine the “presentation of the Qur’an” as one of the procedures for evaluating historical reports with reliance on the rules of scholarly critique – rather than textual proof – and elucidate its range of efficiency. In conclusion, it would be clarified that, as a historical-revelatory, ancient original, sound a free of the four obstacles (personal, tribal, expressive, and commonplace motives), the Qur’an is a scale for assessment of historical reports concerning the Great Prophet’s (S.A.W.) life, which the Qur’an has dealt with or the general Qur’anic descriptions of the Great Prophet (S.A.W.) are about them. Presenting the above-mentioned reports would enable the researchers to take those reports as sound, complete, rejected, or acceptable.         

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