A Critique of the Article “The Covenant of Alast and Critique of the Interpreters’ Viewpoints about the Verse of Covenant”

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member at University of Mazandaran

2 Ph.D. Student, Mazanderan University

3 Associate Professor, Mazanderan University


The “verses of alast”, which are known as the “verse of covenant” (āyat al-mīthāq) are among the most difficult and complicated verses that the interpreters are divided over its interpretation. The article, “The Covenant of Alast and Critique of the Interpreters’ Viewpoints …” is among the writings that have attempted to present their select viewpoint based on the latest investigations about the interpretation on “alast verses”. Nevertheless, it seems what is presented as the “realm of divine vision” is facing serious criticisms, to such an extent that it makes this viewpoint hard to accept. Thus, the present critical tries, with an analysis of the content of the above-mentioned article and while stating its strengths and weaknesses, to clarify the way to disengage from the complexities and difficulties of understanding and interpreting the verses in question. Deliberation and pondering on the phrases and single words of the verses is most important requisite for understanding the Qur’an; a requisite that the above-mentioned article has not been quite practically capable of achieving its real intention, despite paying attention to it.

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