Analytical Methodology of the Interpretation of Qur’anic Words in Ḥakīm Tarmadhī’s Taḥṣīl Naẓā’ir al-Qur’an

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student, Tabriz Payam Noor University

2 Associate Professor, Tabriz Payam Noor University

3 Associate Professor, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

4 Associate Professor, Payam Noor University of South Tehran


The issue of aspects and homologues in the Qur’an has since long ago received the attention of thinkers of Qur’an sciences; and every scholar has taken long steps according to his intellectual foundations and capabilities in its conceptual and evidential elucidation. One of the books written about the science of aspects and homologues after that of Muqātil b. Sulaymān Balkhī is Tarmadhī’s Taḥṣīl Naẓā’ir al-Qur’ān. Contrary to Muqātil b. Sulaymān’s method that deals with unveiling the meaning of the Qur’anic words more with relying on the context of the verses, Tarmadhī, by taking the “principle of excluded synonymy” and using the “principle of shared meaning” tried in his book to turn the apparently antonym meanings back to an integrated meaning and to show that contrary to Muqātil’s idea, the synonymy of the root of derived words suggests the equivalence of their meaning. With a reappraisal and exploration of the method of Ḥakīm Tarmadhī in Taḥṣīl Naẓā’ir al-Qur’ān through an inductive procedure, it is attempted in this research to present an accurate analysis of the exegetical method of the Qur’anic words in this book.


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