Discovering the Social-Political Implications of Chapter Naml Using a Content Analysis Method

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Baqir al-ulum University

2 PhD Candidate of Baqir al-ulum University


Content Analysis is one of the methods suitable for inferring new issues in the Qur’ān. In this paper, chapter Naml of the Holy Qur’ān has been studied using the content analysis method as one of the methods for qualitative content analysis. The objective to take such a measurement is to reach the political and social implications of chapter Naml. In the analysis of these verses with special meaning and conceptual coherence, the software MAXQDA was used as an instrumentation for analyzing the content network. Ultimately, forty basic issues were extracted from the studied verses twelve of which are the organizing content issues including: turbulence of powerful enemies, continuous battles of the true and the wrong, the enemy’s perpetual menace and conspiracy, the need of the right front to power, getting to know the weakness and strengths, equipping and mobilizing all the resources of power, leadership qualification, the necessity of power maneuver, certainty of God’s favor to the right front, certainty to the destruction of the transgression and wrong, knowledge as an instance of power, and noticing the side effects of power. In the next step, all these contents were categorized under three comprehensive ones as “the necessity to seizure and to spread the right”, “the knowledge of using power for spreading the right”, and “knowing the position of the right and power”. The researchers concluded that the ultimate content of Naml chapter is “the necessity of seizing scientific and social power to preach and spread religious truths in human society”.


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