Testing Validity of the Reasons and Criteria for Determining Revelation Order of the Qur’ān

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The present research is to identify the extent of validity of the criteria for determining revelation order of the Qur’ān and to analyze and criticize different views in this regards. Mentioning the Makki and Medanis traditions, the traditions of reasons of revelation, historical evidences and the infallibles' conducts, content analysis of the Qur'ānic verses, Imam Ali's Book, the traditions of revelation order, the originality and validity of thematic interpretation and Qur’ān revelation, reference to the verses of "the verses revealed first" and "the verses revealed in the end", and some other related concepts to them, the researcher has attempted to depict the extent of validity and comprehensiveness of each of these factors in historiography of the Qur’ān and determining the revelation order. The researcher believes that the determination revelation order and its seizure is more related to Imam Ali's Book and the traditions of revelation order compared to other factors assuming that other mentioned references and criteria are not worth referring to solely. Implementing a kind of critical evaluation of other indices, the researcher maintains that their efficiency would be in effect provided with the fact that they are merged and be compatible with traditions of revelation order. Moreover, this writing is of the view that by determining revelation order, approaching revelation order interpretation using thematic method could be one of the most fruitful and essential approaches that could be one of the results to be noted, thus the researcher has attempted to show the harmony of these two factors.


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