Recognition and Quantitative Analysis of Ayatollah Ma'refat's Book of Attafsirol athari aljami' References: A Case Study of Hamd Chapter

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A Candidate of Azzahra University

2 Assistant Professor of Azzahra University


Knowing the references of a piece of writing is of paramount significance in knowing that work and is considered as one of the issues which leads to enhancing the insight and understanding of the content of that book. Attafsirol athari aljami' is one of the works in the recent century written in the field of tradition interpretation. This book includes various references from shia and sunni interpretations. The present paper is to recognize and to perform a quantitative analysis of the used references of interpretation of Hamd chapter in separate items tabulated in specific tables. In the next phase, using related software, comparative tables and charts are illustrated and the statistical analysis of these references is provided. The results which are useful for studying and recognizing this book have been finally yielded and presented. Likewise, case study of Hamd chapter in recognizing this book's references has attributed the firmness of this book.


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