Allameh Tabatabayee's Qur’ān to Qur’ān Exegetical Patterns: A Case Study of Hamd Chapter

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Allameh Tabatabayee University

2 PhD Candidate of Allameh Tabatabayee University


Methodology of interpretation is one of the most important issues of Qur’ānic studies. To reach this end, the interpreter's performance evaluation to know the criteria he adopted in the process of interpretation is of significance. To do so, Allameh Tabatabayee's Qur’ān to Qur’ān exegetical method is studied. The case of study is Hamd chapter. The exegete's performance could be evaluated based on the following categories and different pattern are drawn from the data. These patterns enjoy ups and downs and similarities and differences with some strengths and weaknesses. Some models have fewer shortcomings and could be considered as the best models, while some others are not so and receive a lower mark. Considering the similarities of a model, one can propose a good model. In some instances, the verses of the Qur’ān are used in maximum amount but in cases fewer verses were used. In some cases, the interpreter has totally distanced using his exegetical approach. Based on the interpreted verses, the criterion for choosing verses for interpretation and extent for using them, which are the spatial relation of the verses in the interpretation and the quantity of the interpreted verses, some important conclusions could be drawn. Seemingly, although by adopting such a method the interpreter has been successful in interpreting some verses, he fails to perform so well in some other cases. With respect to other verses, the lexicons, credence, the preference of one reading to the other, and so on and so forth are all the realizations of such an exegetical method.


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