Investigating and Criticizing Amid Zanjani's Viewpoint in the Book Entitled as "The Foundations and Methods of Qur'an Interpretation"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Yazd University

2 PhD Candidate at Yazd University


The book entitled as The Foundations and Methods of Qur'an Interpretation written by Amid Zanjani has been evaluated into two modes as either based on the general form of the topics in relation to each other or based on individual topics independent from the general form. The topics of interpretation foundations include: 1.definitions; 2. organization; 3. application; 4. resolving the conflicts; 5. the changes trend. Amid Zanjani's procedure is generally in this way that he has mentioned all of the topics completely, but he has not followed a specific logical order. With respect to the content, the strength of such a work is his attention and presentation of the right and wrong methods of discussion and rejecting the pros opinions, and using the proper means of resolving the conflicts in either of the two modes. The weaknesses of such a work included using different interpretations in organization, the influence of the method of arrangement, mingling the inclusive usage of each topic, limiting the understanding emanating from the conflict of one interpretation data to one mode.


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