Critical Discourse Analysis of the Story of the Prophet Moses (A.S.) in the Holy Qur’an (Based on Norman Fairclough Model)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Ilam University


Critical discourse is considered as a kind of evolutionary process of discourse analysis, in which, the processes influential in the formation of discourse are noticed through mere description of lingual data. In this respect, with a descriptive-analysis approach and on the basis of Norman Fairclough Model, the present research has attempted to critically explore into the discourse concerning the story of the Prophet Moses (A.S.) on three levels of description, interpretation, and elucidation and while examining the literal and rhetorical aspect of the above-mentioned story, examine the dominant discourses and the secondary and hidden concepts of the text that are less noticed. The results suggest that, on interpretation level, emphasis has been placed more on word selection and especially on their metaphorical aspects, application of negative sentences, distancing of the introgative sentences from their main meaning, and the tone of the dialogues. What is noteworthy on the interpretation level is that the discourse of power and authority seeking dominates over the popular and freedom-seeking discourse, in contrast to which the Divine, counter-arrogance and critical discourse stands up and the Almighty God, as the narrator of the story, presents it to the addressee in a direct way or in the form of the words of the story’s main character and thus challenges the formal discourse in the form of domination and subordination. On the elucidation level, the effects of formal discourse on social institutions and their people are examined and it is clarified how the formal discourse indexes are cristalized in the story’s characters and their prospect.


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