Theory of Moral Self-Orientation from the Qur’an’s Viewpoint

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy


From among the basic questions concerning morality is the reason why one should abide by moral obligations. In response to this question, three normative theories – in various versions – have been set forth: “excellence-oriented”, “duty-centered”, and “result-oriented”. The result-oriented consider the moral objective of living as achievement of benefit. In response to the question as to who should enjoy the result of a moral act, they present two different approaches: self-orientation (personal benefits) and other-orientation (providing benefits for others).
By studying the Qur’an, we find out that the Qur’an’s viewpoint is compatible with moral self-orientation and consistent with humanistic and teleological principles, the Qur’an’s moral training styles, and psychological data. Of course, a great part of the Qur’an’s moral obligations, such as alms-giving, self-denial, reconciliation among believers, compassion, forgiveness, keeping ties of kinship, rights of humankind, etc. would manifest in society, which, at a surface glance, brings to mind the other-orientation theory, but with deliberation and in-depth consideration of the Qur’an’s verses collectively, it would become obvious that the most important pivotal point of the Qur’an’s moral doctrines is utilizing one’s self-orientation toward other-orientation, sociability, and altruism and by relying on this principle, they would instigate the most driving forces in their addressees toward other-orientation and altruism.


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