Demystification of the Exterior of the Verses Concerning the Philosophy of Creation with a Deliberation on the Eternity Issue

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor, Hakim Sabzevari University


From the viewpoint of the Qur’an, act of worship and attaining mercy are among the main intensions of the creation of human kind; however, the course of rebellion and chastisement pursued by most human beings, especially the eternity of chastisement implies the violation of Divine intention. The present research indicates that removal of the above ambiguity is dependent upon a proper analysis of the issue of chastisement and eternity; that is, chastisement is to be regarded as having a didactic aspect and eternity as a lengthy period rather than everlasting; it is because the meaning of everlasting chastisement is opposed to rational rules of Monotheism and would cause ambiguity in the philosophy of creation. With a descriptive-analytical approach, the present writing examines the most important reasons for the eternality as well as their [the reasons] strength as contrasted with Monotheistic, rational, and traditional reasons so that while providing a foundation for negation of everlastingness of chastisement it would present a more consistent and profounder image of the philosophy of creation from the viewpoint of the Qur’an. Because of its inclusion of the sentimental and motivational components, this image is practically effective in solving the society’s psychological complexities.    


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