Poetics of the Qur’ān (An Introduction to the Qur’an’s Stylistics)

Document Type : Original Article


Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad



Literary study of the Holy Scriptures, especially the scripture of the Qur’an, means studying it as a sublime, dignified, and effectual literary work, since contrary to the literary works, the Holy Scriptures in the Greek, Hebrew, and other similar traditions are separately woven out of the warp and woof of epic, lyric, and drama. The text of the Qur’an can be studied by two approaches: 1. Religious-epistemic approach, 2. Literary approach. In literary approach the purpose is to find continuity and in religious-epistemic approach to find incontinuity. In literary approach, the inimitability of the text of the Qur'an's being revelatory can be explicitly defended, because the Qur'an explicitly speaks of its own text's inimitability (Al-Baqara, 23; Hūd, 13; Al-Isrā, 88; Al-Ṭūr, 33-34). Obviously, the inimitability is a feature of the literariness of the text, since the addressees of these verses are the deniers of the Qur'an rather than the believers in it.
The present paper consists of the following sections: 1. Theoretical principles of the Qur'an's Poetics, 2. Elucidation of the superiority of the literary approach in examining the text of the Qur'an, 3. Poeticality of the Qur'an's text and some events in the perceptions of the newly converted Muslims, meaning that the Qur'an's religious and epistemic text have greatly enjoyed the poetical features.


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