The Impact of Utilizing the Strategy of Extension in the Degree of the Competency and Acceptability of the Translation of the Holy Qur’an by Saffarzadeh, Mujtabavi, and Fouladvand

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Graduate of Bu-Ali Sina University

2 Professor, Bu-Ali Sina University



The strategy of extension (bas) is one of the techniques for quality assessment in Garces' viewpoint, which consists of "explanation, definition, syntactic extension, creative extension, simple extension", incorporated in three levels of semantic-lexical, syntactic, and stylistic and ultimately critically reviews the degree of the positive and negative features representing the competence and acceptability. With an analytical approach of a comparative type, the present research reviews the frequency of various extension techniques in three translations of Fouladvcand, with the centrality of faithfulness; Mujtabavi, with the centrality of communicative and semantic translation; and Saffarzadeh, with the centrality of free translation of Sūras of Al-Naba’, Al-Takwīr, and Al-Muṭaffifīn. Next, with reliance on statistics and charts, the obtained amounts are compared and the amount of the negative and positive addenda is specified in terms of quality and acceptability. The resultant findings indicates that the addenda in semantic and syntactic levels have caused many changes in the stylistic level of the translated text, so much as a considerable percentage is observed in negative competence. According to Garces' model, Mujtabavi's semantic translation enjoys less acceptability in application of the strategy of extension as compared to its highly positive competence; and the competence and acceptability of his translation is higher than the Saffarzadeh's free translation and Fouladvand's faithful translation.


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