Critique of Arthur Jeffery’s Viewpoint concerning the Concept and Evidences of Asbāṭ (Tribes) with an Emphasis on the Verses of the Holy Qur’an

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Islamic Sciences and Culture Research Institute



The Holy Qur’an has used asbāṭ to refer to a number of Revelation receiving Prophets as well as the twelve Israelite tribes. Arthur Jeffery, who according to his early viewpoint considered the Revelation receiving tribes (asbāṭ) as the twelve Jewish Prophets, also known as Twelve Minor Prophets, has presumed that the Holy Qur’an by using asbāṭ as the twelve Israelite tribes on one hand and mentioning them as the receivers of Revelation on the other, has proclaimed the Minor Prophets to be the same as the twelve Israelite tribes. Later on, by changing his viewpoint concerning the referents of the revelation receiving tribes, he has considered them as referring to Prophet Jacob’s twelve sons. Various reasons and evidences indicate that Arthur Jeffrey’s viewpoint concerning the confusion of the referents of asbāṭ, especially their application to Prophet Jacob’s twelve sons and the Minor Prophets, is incompatible with the Qur’an’s narration and are resulted from his unfamiliarity with the Qur’anic concepts and his impressionability from the Old Testament’s narration. The revelation to the asbāṭ, the necessity of Muslims’ faith in them, mentioning them along with the prophets, and the negation of their being Jewish and Christian on one hand and the Qur’an’s report about the Jacob’s sons treatment of their father and brother Joseph as well as some eminent parts of the paganish and blasphemous history of the Jewish religious life, especially the way they treated their Prophets on the other hand, show that the revelation receiving asbāṭ cannot be the same as the Israelite tribes or the Prophet Joseph’s brothers, as they have separate identities. They included certain elect members from among the descendants of Prophet Jacob, who, besides their racial continuity and by virtue of being successors to Prophet Jacob, have been regarded as his spiritual followers as well. These successors and spiritual leaders have most probably been missioned as prophets in Egypt and among the Israelites after Prophet Joseph and prior to Prophet Jacob.


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