Personality Traits of Entrepreneurs in the Qur’an Case Study: Motivational Trait of “Seeking Success”

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student, Razi University

2 Assistant Professor, Razi University


Numerous studies in the global entrepreneurship literature indicate that some scholars in this field are trying to orient their entrepreneurial behaviors and activities with the focus on their holy scriptures. Thus, this article sought to answer the question as to whether it is possible to describe and redefine the motivational traits of entrepreneurs that have spread from Western origins, based on Qur’anic verses. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to redefine one of the most important personality traits of Western entrepreneurship, namely “seeking success”. The research method was semantics and the text studied was the Qur’an and Tafsīr al-Mīzān. The most important result was, first, that man’s inner and hasty desire to increase the amount and type of his possessions is the most important innate motivational trait for entrepreneurial activities. Despite this general attribute, it is only the practical orientation based on the Qur’an that distinguishes the Muslim entrepreneur from others. Second, regarding seeking success, which is the most important motivational trait in entrepreneurs, the verses emphasize that in order to achieve success, the entrepreneurs must ask God Almighty to accompany them with things that are beyond their scientific mastery and dominion, and trust in His power, and trust in His providence, and be satisfied with their achievements. Third, if in any kind of superiority-seeking in entrepreneurial activities there is an evidence of righteous action with a theological orientation, one must have speed, competition, and overtaking in it.


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