Delving into Rosalind W. Gwynne’s View of the Fundamental Elements of Reasoning in the Holy Qur’an

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Islamic Sciences and Culture Research Institute


One of the significant issues in Qur’anic research is the study of the reasoning methods used in the Holy Qur’an. Basically, how did God argue in the Holy Qur’an, and what fundamental elements were used in these arguments? Among Western scholars of the Qur’an, Rosalind Ward Gwynne has done extensive research in this area. In the present article, an attempt has been made to use a descriptive-analytical method to delve into Gwynne’s views on the fundamental elements of reasoning in the Holy Qur’an and how they play a role in the formation of Qur’anic reasoning. From the studies carried out, it was concluded that Gwynne has discovered three fundamental elements in the Qur’anic arguments, which include: covenant, signs, and tradition. Gwynne considers the covenant as a general rule that plays an important role in many Qur’anic arguments. She identifies these arguments as the rule-based arguments. In addition, she says, there are various sub-rules of the covenant that in turn form certain arguments. Gwynne’s discourses concerning the methods of reasoning in the Qur’an and the fundamental elements in them give new perspectives to Qur’anic research and provide a suitable ground for authentic research in this field.


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