Context is one of the basic issues for understanding the Holy Qur’an. Inferring from the verses of the Qur’an, regardless of the context, may prevent the commentator from achieving the true purpose of God. However, it can be seen that in jurisprudential books, some rulings are inferred from parts of the verses without considering before and after, and the reader is led to the notion that the jurists do not consider the context as authoritative or neglect it. The present article has been organized with a descriptive-analytical method with the aim of analyzing this issue focusing on Ḥimād’s incompletely transmitted hadith (mursala). In this mursala, Imam Kāẓim (A.S.), citing a part of the 5th verse of Sūrat al-Aḥzāb, i.e. ﴾call them to their fathers﴿ denies the khums being levied on those who are attributed to Banī Hāshim through their mothers. The Imam’s words appear to create the notion in the mind that in this argument, the proportion of the legal decision and the subject has not been observed and the context of the verse has been neglected. After examining six solutions in explaining the Imam’s view, the research findings in the seventh solution show that the attribution in the phrase ﴾call them to their fathers﴿, in addition to being attributed to the real father, it includes attribution to the tribes as well and the Imam’s attestation to this verse has been in terms of attribution to the tribe. According to this analysis, the Imam’s inference is not out of context.
خواجوئی، محمد اسماعیل (1411ق)، الرسائل الفقهیة، قم: دار الکتاب السلامی.
خوانسارى، جمالالدین محمد (1420ق)، التعلیقات على الروضة البهیة، قم: مدرسه رضویة.
خویی، سید ابوالقاسم (1418ق)، موسوعة الامام الخویی، قم: مؤسسة إحیاء آثار الإمام الخوئی.
رازى، ابوالفتوح حسینبن علی (1408ق)، روض الجنان و روح الجنان فی تفسیر القرآن، تحقیق دکتر محمد جعفر یاحقى و دکتر محمد مهدى ناصح، مشهد: بنیاد پژوهشهاى اسلامى آستان قدس رضوى.
رازی، فخرالدین محمدبن عمر (1420ق)، مفاتیح الغیب، بیروت: دار احیاء التراث العربى.
روحانی، سید صادق (بیتا)، فقه الصادق7، نرم افزار جامع فقه اهل بیت (ع).
زمخشری، محمود (1407ق)، الکشاف عن حقائق التنزیل و عیون الاقاویل فى وجوه التأویل، بیروت: دار الکتاب العربی.
سبحانی، جعفر (1420ق)، الخمس فی الشریعة الإسلامیة الغراء، قم: مؤسسه امام صادق (ع).
شریف کاشانی، ملا حبیب الله (بیتا)، منتقد المنافع فی شرح مختصر النافع، کتاب الخمس، نرم افزار جامع فقه اهل بیت (ع).
صادقی تهرانی، محمد (1365)، الفرقان فی تفسیر القرآن بالقرآن و السنة، قم: انتشارات فرهنگ اسلامى.
طباطبایی قمى، سید تقى (1424ق)، الغایة القصوى فی التعلیق على العروة الوثقى، قم: انتشارات محلاتی.
Ezzati Bakhshayesh, M. (2022). Examining Meta-contextual Inferences Centered on the Interpretation of Verse 5 of Sūrat al-Aḥzāb. Qru’anic Reserches, 26(101), 65-82. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2022.61280.3263
Muhammad Ezzati Bakhshayesh. "Examining Meta-contextual Inferences Centered on the Interpretation of Verse 5 of Sūrat al-Aḥzāb", Qru’anic Reserches, 26, 101, 2022, 65-82. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2022.61280.3263
Ezzati Bakhshayesh, M. (2022). 'Examining Meta-contextual Inferences Centered on the Interpretation of Verse 5 of Sūrat al-Aḥzāb', Qru’anic Reserches, 26(101), pp. 65-82. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2022.61280.3263
Ezzati Bakhshayesh, M. Examining Meta-contextual Inferences Centered on the Interpretation of Verse 5 of Sūrat al-Aḥzāb. Qru’anic Reserches, 2022; 26(101): 65-82. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2022.61280.3263