Shahid Sadr is undoubtedly one of the pioneers of Qur’anic theoreticians in the contemporary era. He considers that attaining the theories of the Qur’an requires the inquiry from the Divine Word. Although the interpretation of “inquiry” has a narrative origin and has always been used by thinkers in religious literature, but in the thought of Martyr Sadr it is a special term and a key concept on which the Qur’anic theorizing is based. Considering the importance of this concept in recognizing Shahid Sadr’s view on Qur’anic theorizing, the present study has used a descriptive-analytical approach to explain the conceptual components of “inquiry of the Qur’an” in his thought. The outcomes of the research show that the inquiry of the Qur’an is a different category from the interpretation of the Qur’an in terms of purpose, subject, and method, and its product lies in the field of allusions to the Divine Word. This concept also focuses on such components as questioning, adaptation, historicity, infinity, bilaterality, intelligence, judgment and unity of text and commentator and paying attention to their nature, role, and proportions clarifies the hidden dimensions of Shahid Sadr’s view in Qur’anic theorizing and provides a model for theorizing the Qur’an on the basis of his views.
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Qorbankhani, O. (2022). Analysis of the Conceptual Components of “Inquiry from the Qur’an” in the Interpretive Method of Shahid Sadr. Qru’anic Reserches, 27(102), 25-46. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2022.62608.3418
Omid Qorbankhani. "Analysis of the Conceptual Components of “Inquiry from the Qur’an” in the Interpretive Method of Shahid Sadr", Qru’anic Reserches, 27, 102, 2022, 25-46. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2022.62608.3418
Qorbankhani, O. (2022). 'Analysis of the Conceptual Components of “Inquiry from the Qur’an” in the Interpretive Method of Shahid Sadr', Qru’anic Reserches, 27(102), pp. 25-46. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2022.62608.3418
Qorbankhani, O. Analysis of the Conceptual Components of “Inquiry from the Qur’an” in the Interpretive Method of Shahid Sadr. Qru’anic Reserches, 2022; 27(102): 25-46. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2022.62608.3418