Interpretation of the Words ‘Arabī and Lisān-i ‘Arabī in the Qur’an with a Critical Analytical Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, University of Sciences and Knowledge of the Holy Qur’an

2 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah



Language, as a living and dynamic phenomenon, has continuously been on the course of development and evolution. This is evaluated as obvious and positive in the science of linguistics. But when the sacred text is facing numerous addressees for a long period of time, it is possible to preserve the main essence, to study and receive its message, if you understand the text with the time of its issuance or revelation. Otherwise, it sometimes causes contradictions and doubts in the understanding and interpretation of some verses. One of the words and compounds of the Qur’an is lisān, Arabī and the combination of these two. Most of the interpreters and translators have explained these words and additional combinations merely in same popular meaning as is used today, i.e. the Arabic dialect, following which the doubt is raised of the Qur’an’s monopoly for the speakers of the Arabic language and exclusion of the general human race and places. In addition, the contradiction created in this monopoly with the verses related to the universality of the Qur’an is also worthy of attention. Meanwhile, by reflecting on the verses and their context, and most importantly, on the literal meaning of these words, the other meaning of the obvious message can be explained to them without ambiguity or obfuscation. This article, with an analytical-critical approach and analysis of the essence and substance of these words relying on the context, has achieved a different semantic representation of these words and combinations, according to which, this doubt and contradiction is no longer an option.


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