Critical Review of the Difference between the Phonetic and Structural Readings of the Qur’an Based on the Linguistic Structures of Arabic Literature “Sample Case Study: Part I”

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, University of Sciences and Knowledge of the Holy Qur’an, Khoy College

2 M.A. Graduate of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences



Through scientific readings, it is possible to identify the consensus or difference of opinion of the transmitters of God’s book. There is a close relationship between Qur’anic readings and Arabic language; because the Qur’an is the most influential factor in establishing and formulating Arabic rules; that is why the first grammarians of the Arabic language were part of the Qur’an reciters. There is a difference between reciters in the recitation of certain verses of the Qur’an. The difference in reading has an ancient background and it is a historical fact that there is no reason to deny.
In this article, using the descriptive-analytical method, cases of disagreement among the reciters of the seven modes of the Qur’an recitations (qarā’āt-i saba) in the first part (juz) of the Holy Qur’an, with the help of philology, diacritics, and orthoepy (tajwīd) books, and by explaining the causes of slips, have been investigated in two phonetic and structural sections. The results of this research show that among the schools of qarā’at, the Kufians have performed more successfully than others. Āṣim Kufi has the least slips among the seven reciters, and Ḥafṣ’ narration of Āṣim has the most compliance with the rules of Arabic literature, and in contrast, Qunbul, the narrator of Ibn Kathir Makki, has the weakest performance in reading.
