A Comparative Study of the Rational Approach in the Tafsīrs of al-Manār and al-Mīzān

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, University of Sciences and Knowledge of the Holy Qur’an

2 Associate Professor, Department of Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, University of Sciences and Knowledge of the Holy Qur’an

3 Ph.D. Student of Comparative Interpretation, University of Sciences and Knowledge of the Holy Qur’an



The validity of intellect and trusting it in understanding the Divine Word and unveiling the Divine Intention has been common among the interpreters in different eras; however, in the 14th century, the application of reason and relying on it has been the distinguished feature of interpretations. Al-Manār and Al-Mīzān, as the most important interpretations of the last century, have pursued rationalism in the interpretation of the Qur'an, while inclining toward social issues. Nevertheless, the difference is that al-Manār has chosen intellect as its source in interpretation; whereas al-Mīzān has considered the religious exteriors and understanding of religion, based on literal manifestation, to be relied on the dictates of intellect; but in the interpretation, it believes in the Qur'an as a source for its interpretation and considers intellect as a tool for understanding the Qur'an. In this research, we will focus on the comparative study of rationalism in the opinions of these two commentators by examining the two interpretations of al-Mīzān and al-Manār, using a descriptive and analytical method, and we will compare the features of intellect from this point of view. As a result, intellect in al-Manār is used as a tool to coordinate religious rulings and knowledge with the requirements of the time and has its roots in empiricism, while Allama Tabataba'i, with the denigration of experimental rationalism, introduced the movement of instrumental intellect on the path of healthy nature as a requirement for differentiating and distinguishing right from wrong.


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