Fundamentals of “Lobby and Positive Lobbying, a Tool for Defending Truth”, in the Qur’an and Sunna

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Industrial University of Shahroud

2 Associate Professor, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan



Lobbying is one of the terms that entered political science in the last two centuries, and it means influencing and achieving goals and interests by political groups and trends of a country and influencing representatives and statesmen at the domestic level and international forums in different ways. Nowadays, this activity has become legal in some countries and many groups are active in this respect. Considering the prevalence, importance and benefits of this activity, it is necessary to clarify what the viewpoint of Islam is on this issue. Can some examples of lobbying be found in the Holy Qur’an and the true Islamic Sunna? Can Islamic governments use lobbies to advance their goals and interests at this time? In this article, with a descriptive-analytical method and through deliberation in the verses of the Qur’an and Sunna, an attempt has been made to clarify the basics of this issue in the Islamic religion. Thus, it can be concluded that today one of the necessities is to use this opportunity and capacity to support the front of truth and success against enmities. Apparently, according to verse 60 of Sūrat al-Tawba, its expenses can be provided for in the conditions for expenditure of zakāt and alms.


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