Analysis of Javadi Amoli’s Viewpoint on Al-Mīzān in the Study of the Abrogation of Verse 109 of Sūrat al-Baqara with Verse 29 of Sūrat al-Tawba

Document Type : Original Article


1 Level Four Religious Student, Ma’sumiya Seminary, Qum

2 Faculty Member, Qur’an and ‘Itrat Research Institute, Ma’arij Revealed Sciences Research Center (Affiliated to Isra International Foundation)

3 , Assistant Professor, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Institute of Culture and Educationof Quran



The present research is intended to evaluate the criticism of Allama Javadi Amoli in Tafsīr-i Tasnīm on the commentaries of Allama Tabataba’i in Tafsīr al-Mīzān. These two interpretations are rated among the dignified Shi’ite interpretations. The importance of the present article is in showing the difference in opinions and interpretations of two prominent commentators, in order to analyze the critical viewpoint of Tasnīm’s interpretation of Al-Mīzān, to reveal the mystery of the difference between these two interpretations and to open a way for a better evaluation of them. One of the significant points in Tafsīr-i Tasnīm is the critique of tafsīrī (exegetical) viewpoints. Sometimes, Tasnīm’s commentator does not hide his free-thinking in the field of opinion; he even criticizes his teacher’s viewpoint. The present research, with analytical-critical method, has addressed the most important aspect of his criticism regarding the rule of abrogation in verse 109 of Sūrat al-Baqara with verse 29 of Sūrat al-Tawba. Therefore, according to the evaluation made in both interpretations and by citing the interpretation rules and documents, it was concluded that in the verses in question, Allama Tabataba’i’s viewpoint is more sophisticated and seems to be closer to reality.


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