An Exploration into the Discourse and Processing of Islam and Christianity Concerning the Theory of Fidā’ (Ransoming)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student, University of Sciences and Knowledge of the Holy Qur’an

2 Faculty Member, Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution



This article, with the descriptive method and analysis of the findings from library studies, deals with the comparative examination of the foundation of discourse theory of fidā’ (sacrifice) as the most central doctrine of Christian theology with the logical discourse of Islam and answers the question, “What is the viewpoint of the Holy Qur’an about it?” In the New Testament, Adam’s fault is considered a sin that is passed on to his generation through the body, and there is no other way to save people from their unwanted sin except by having faith in Jesus (A.S.) as God’s fidya (ransom). Belief in the Trinity and the status of Jesus as the son of God, the transmission of Adam’s sin to his generation and the blocking of salvation from it, the lack of the effect of the Sharī’a on salvation, the crucifixion of Jesus (A.S) as God incarnate are the foundations for supporting this theory. However, the Islamic sources consider Adam’s sin as abandoning the preferable (tark-i ūlā), do not consider sin to be contagious so that the human beings are unintentionally considered as sinners, do not accept the Trinity, view belief in God having a son as blasphemous, introduce Jesus (A.S.) as the servant and the messenger of God that enjoyed all human qualities who, in the end, was not killed and was taken to heaven, and consider Sharī’a to be applicable to everyone, even to the Prophet himself.


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