A Comparative Research on the Quiddity of the Aesthetic and Rhetorical Interpretations

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought



Aesthetic interpretation is one of the relatively new approaches in Qur’an interpretation. This kind of interpretation, which is followed in six types of tendentious, methodical, intra-sūra (structural), extra-sūra, inter-sūra and extra-Qur’anic, with a descriptive look at rhetorical interpretations, has an absolute generality and peculiarity relation with the rhetorical interpretation, and with a scientific look at them, a relation of generality and peculiarity in some respect. Most of the difference between these two types of interpretation is, in addition to the difference in terms of conceptology, from the hermeneutic perspective, the intention of the speaker, and in terms of the territory. From among the above-mentioned types of aesthetic interpretation, two types of tendency and intra-sūra (structural) are of interest to the interpreters and the Qur’an scholars, but other types, especially the methodical and inter-sūra types, have received less attention and can be considered as approaches absent in the interpretative process of most of interpretations. The important point in this field of study is the presence of methodical aesthetic interpretation as the interpretative evidence, relying on which, one can achieve a correct understanding of the text or turn to the criticism and review of interpretation probabilities. This article tries to explain different types of aesthetic interpretations and examine their relationship with rhetorical interpretation from various dimensions.


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