Confirmation, Fabrication or Distortion of the Old and New Testaments (the Bible) from the Perspective of the Qur’an

Document Type : Original Article


1 Level Four Hawza Graduate, Post-Doctoral Student, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy

2 Level Four Hawza Graduate



One of the issues of consensus among the Qur'an interpreters and Islamic scholars since early times is the belief in the distortion of the Bible (consisting of the Old and New Testaments). This doctrine has been doubted for a long time and some researchers believe that there is no verse in the Qur'an showing that the Bible has been distorted, and that the Qur'an confirms the Bible. Whereas, if we examine the Qur'anic verses that are evidentially referred to the Bible, we find that the Qur'an has not confirmed all the contents of the Bible and that some of its contents are rejected by the Qur'an. Thus, we have attempted in this research to evidentially examine the verses of the Qur'an that in some way refer to the Bible in order to achieve a more complete understanding of the Qur'an's viewpoint regarding the Bible. Our main question in this research is: "What is the Quran's viewpoint about the Bible?" Does it maintain the confirmation, fabrication (jal), or distortion of the Bible?


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