Searching into the Roles and Aspects of Linguistic Connection in the Semantic Coherence of Part 28 of the Holy Qur'an

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Marvdasht Branch of Islamic Azad University

2 Assistant Professor, Linguistics Department, Faculty of Humanities, Marvdasht Branch of Islamic Azad University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Jahrom University



Since linguistics is the science of language study, it has a special place in the field of Qur'anic research. It often happens that people who are not experts on the Qur'an say that there is no coherence or semantic connection between the verses or chapters of the Holy Qur'an, and they consider mentioning a verse or a part of it to be unrelated to the concepts and contents before or after it. Having been conducted with a library method, this research examines the issue of coherence in the 28th part of the Holy Qur'an and then reviews and concludes the results obtained from this research as well as the results obtained from the researches of others on several parts of the Holy Qur'an. The results obtained indicate that the verses of the Holy Qur'an are directly or indirectly related to each other, and the sūras of the Qur'an, in certain meanings and concepts, enjoy a semantic connection and coherence.


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