Model of Factors Facilitating Critical Thinking Training in the Holy Qur'an Based on the Qur'anic Stories

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student of English Language Teaching, English Language Department, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch

2 Assistant Professor, English Language Teaching, English Language Department, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch

3 Associate Professor, Division of Research and Assessment, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Amin Police University, Tehran



Training critical thinking and acting on it is the most important human competence for self-development and the elevation of a society that is God-like, truth-oriented and guiding to the Almighty God, and it is known as one of the indicators for measuring the learning capacities of learners. But despite this importance, it has been widely neglected in the educational system. The Qur'an is the last evident miracle and a literary and artistic masterpiece, and has expressed part of its life doctrines and moral and educational principles with the language of literature and art and using the story format for of all the people with any level of consciousness to understand. Many researches have come to the conclusion that the storytelling method, in particular the Qur'anic storytelling, has special effects on the development of thinking. In this study, an attempt was made through a regular review while examining various sources, to identify and represent the facilitating components in the development of critical thinking in the Qur'an, especially the Qur'anic stories and the techniques used in them. In fact, the study was conducted using the descriptive-documentary method and the analysis based on the qualitative content analysis strategy of Al Zayed (1996) and after analyzing the data of the documents, five components including educational-research, assessment, personality, moral-educational and technical-specialized factors, sixteen criteria and one hundred and seventy-five indicators were identified and represented, and finally the respected model was presented.
