An Analytical Review of Interactive Component in Near Death Experiences with Emphasis on Alamah Tabathai

Document Type : Original Article


1 Olum quran& hadith, theology faculty, meybod university,

2 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Meibod University, Meybod, Iran

3 Abbas Mowzoun ,Author ,Reasercher, and Documentary filmmaker of NDE. PhD in Coumminication and Media from Tehran University



Muslims have a consensus on accepting the principle of intercession in the Divine Mercy Device and the System of Accounts and the Book of Deeds. Intercession has a more privileged place with Shias to the extent that it is mentioned in the Book of the Pious, one of the principles of Shia. But there is disagreement about the sphere of its emergence. Alamaha48 48Tabatha54 54explores53 53the49 4951 51interplay52 52with the wise50 5055 55approach56 56and67 67isolates57 5758 58it59 59from60 60interpretations61 61and6262perceptions of63 the 63646465 65superficiality,66 6682 82providing a concise68 68discussion69 69of the71 71interpretation70 70of72 72verses,73 73narratives74 74,75 75rational77 77explanations,76 76and the81 81structure80 80of84 the 8483 83developmental78 787979system85. 85
