Analysis of the Relation between Content and Structure in the Story of Prophet Jesus (A.S.) A Reflection on the Application of Different Language Techniques in the Narrative Method

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Ph.D. Graduate, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran



Analyzing the linguistic-narrative techniques of every story provides the ground for a detailed understanding of its hidden layers. This method of text analysis can also apply to understanding the dimensions of Qur'anic stories. Using the method of content analysis, this research examines the story of the prophet Jesus (A.S.) from this point of view and tries to answer the question as to from the perspective of the Holy Qur'an, what the blunder ground of the society was in that period, and in order to avoid it, what different linguistic-narrative techniques has been used in the narration method. The results of the research show that the main pivot of the story of the prophet Jesus (A.S.) is the denial of the attribute of Lordship to him, and in order to prevent this deviation, in the verses related to the life of his holiness, compared to other prophets, unique language-narrative techniques have found relevance. The description of the fetal period and the mother's childbirth, the addition of the phrase "Ibn-i Maryam" (Maryam's son) along with his name, highlighting the style of his conversation with God, the repetition of "by Allah's leave" in explication of his miracles, are among these special techniques that distinguish this narration from other Qur'anic narrations.
