The Implications of Scientific Authority of the Qur'an on Sciences

Document Type : Original Article


Level Three Hawza & M.A. Graduate of Bagheral Uloom University



The proposal of the scientific authority of the Holy Qur'an on sciences, with every expression and reading, must necessarily be evaluated in the context of interpretation and understanding of the text. Accordingly, the present research examines the "implications" of text interpretation in the realization of scientific authority on sciences (problem). The discovery of these implications will be carried out through examining and inferring the sapiential (ikamī)-theological principles and whatever that is included in the interpretation (hypothesis). The examination of this hypothesis will be carried out through the analytical-descriptive method and the examination of the principles used in the field of the verbal denotation in fiqh and uṣūl, and the sapiential approaches (method and approach), so as to clarify the fundamentals of proposing the idea of ​​the scientific authority of the Holy Qur'an on the sciences; because by proposing the idea of ​​the scientific authority of the Holy Qur'an, we are bound to expand the scope of interpretation to find the way to the topics and predicates of science, so that finding the denotation of the Qur'an and its impact on sciences can be specified. Therefore, the aim of the present research is to explain the implications of the scientific authority of the Holy Qur'an on sciences (purpose). For example, we can refer to the linguistic rules that govern words, and the circle of authenticity of manifestation in the science of the principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (ilm al-uṣūl), and the analysis of conventional phenomena in wisdom, and any tool of thought that helps the researcher in realizing authority (findings).


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