Associate Professor, Department of Sciences of the Qur'an, Collage of Farabi, University of Tehran
The theory of the subordinate integration of the Qur'an is based on two important components: the innateness of the integration and the conditionality of its objectification in the period after the demise of the Apostle of Allah. According to the first component, integration is the inherent and innate feature of the Qur'an, which God has institutionalized it in this book with His knowledge and wisdom. The second component emphasizes the proposition that after the demise of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), access to the integration of the Qur'an is conditional upon referring to the ‘itrat (progeny of the Prophet) in order to discover and objectify integration. This theory has been applied by Ahl al-Bayt in many instances and their ability to objectify the integrity of the Qur'an has been accepted by other scholars. The applicatory examples prove that it is not possible to access the integration of the Qur'an without ‘itrat. This article deals with the description of the nature, achievement, principles of the theory of the subordinate integration of the Qur'an and presenting examples of its application in the interpretation attitude of itrat.
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Rad, A. (2024). The Subordinate Integration of the Qur'an; from Theory to Application. Qru’anic Reserches, 29(111), -. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2024.69931.4094
Ali Rad. "The Subordinate Integration of the Qur'an; from Theory to Application", Qru’anic Reserches, 29, 111, 2024, -. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2024.69931.4094
Rad, A. (2024). 'The Subordinate Integration of the Qur'an; from Theory to Application', Qru’anic Reserches, 29(111), pp. -. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2024.69931.4094
Rad, A. The Subordinate Integration of the Qur'an; from Theory to Application. Qru’anic Reserches, 2024; 29(111): -. doi: 10.22081/jqr.2024.69931.4094