The Method of Extracting Humanities from the Qur'an and its Conceptual Model

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy



The subject of humanities is the intentional human actions and existences. Humanities is the knowledge of describing and changing the voluntary actions of human beings and their second rate knowledge. The first rate knowledge of humanities deals with the existences that are created by human will and choice. The second rate knowledge of humanities examines topics outside of humanities, such as principles, goals, methods, the history of the transformation of humanities, and the like. Method, in its general sense, is the use of a set of elements that lead a person to a goal. The elements of the scientific method are: foundations, sources, mechanisms for obtaining data from sources, principles, rules, process components, distribution components, approaches, trends, styles and the skills, the use of which would lead to the achievement of science. The article focuses on the methodological element of data retrieval mechanisms from the Holy Qur'an. Our hypothesis is the feasibility of determining a precise and universal mechanism for humanities data retrieval from the Qur'an. The method of the article in determining the identification components of humanities data is logical and speculative. The strategy of the article in determining the components of the first rate knowledge data of humanities is analyzing the selected definition of humanities, and inclusion of the receptacle of realizing the relationship between the subject and the predicate. In determining the second rate knowledge data of humanities, the significance of the data emphasizes on theoretical foundations, teleological and methodological significance. All the stages of the discussion are accompanied by the presentation of examples of revelatory data and by way of annexation. The result of the discussion is delineated and presented by determining the well-informed components and the conceptual model of the process of accessing humanities data in the Qur'an.


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