Stating and Analyzing the Divine Wisdom in Revelation Engineering of Qur'ān Description in the Qur'ān

Document Type : Original Article


1 Level Four Candidate of Comparative Interpretation

2 Assistant Professor of Almostafa International University


Revelation of each section of the Qur’ān had taken place with respect to the situation, needs and the positive and negative standpoints of the contemporary audience in Mekka and Media. The names and attributions that the Qur’ān attributes to itself are various depending on different factors of the type and levels of the primary audience and the fact that in which level of guidance journey they are placed. This paper is to discover and analyze divine wisdom in the application of the Qur’ānic titles in four turning points of the history of evolution of the early audience of the Word of God. Using necessary descriptions, in the early periods of its revelation, the Qur’ān defended itself against infidels' misgivings in voicing doubts about the truth of the divine Word from its heavenly position and its revelation by the Will of God though the angel Gabriel. Furthermore, such descriptions prove that there is harmony and agreement between the Word of God and internal feelings of the individuals; thus, in every stage of development and evolution, proper wordings are used to talk with the Qur’ān's audience.


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