Keyword Index


  • Al-Qisṭās al-Mustaqīm An Analysis of Ghazālī’s Viewpoint on Revelatoriness of Logics [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 98-119]
  • Ayatollah Ma’rifat Analysis of Ayatollah Ma’rifat’s Viewpoint concerning the Relation between the Wording of the Verse with the Revelation Occasion [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 24-43]


  • Divine mercy The Role of Context and the Intra-textual Factors in Uncovering the Purpose of Sūrat Maryam [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 72-97]


  • Ibn ‘Arabī A Study on Ibn ‘Arabī’s Exegetical View concerning Multiplicity of the Meaning of Intention, its Philosophical Principles and Jurisprudential Effects [Volume 23, Issue 87, 2018, Pages 32-61]
  • Imamate An Analysis of Ghazālī’s Viewpoint on Revelatoriness of Logics [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 98-119]
  • Interpretation The Impressionability of Literal and Sentence-by-sentence Translations of the Holy Qur’an from the Preposition bā’ Denoting Causation [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 140-163]


  • Keywords: Nöldeke Evaluation of the Quiddity and Quality of Applying Context (Siyāq) In Nöldeke’s Theory of Revelation Order [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2018, Pages 156-171]


  • Nūr al-Thaqalayn Analysis of Theories in the Function of the Exegetical Traditions Basis on the Typology of Traditions of Tafsīr-i Nūr al-Thaqalayn [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 44-71]


  • Prophet Moses (A.S.) A Deliberation on Theological Definition of Miracle According to the Qur’an’s Report on the Miracle of the Prophet Moses’ (A.S.) Staff [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 4-23]
  • Prophet’s marriage Heavenly Union; A Critique of the Fictitious Story of the Prophet’s (S.A.W.) Falling in Love with Zaynab, Daughter of Jaḥsh [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2018, Pages 74-101]


  • Qur’anists Analysis of Theories in the Function of the Exegetical Traditions Basis on the Typology of Traditions of Tafsīr-i Nūr al-Thaqalayn [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 44-71]
  • Qur’anic doctrines A Model for Strengthening Self-Control in the Organizations’ Human Resources Based on the Qur’anic Doctrines [Volume 23, Issue 87, 2018, Pages 4-31]
  • Qur’anic sciences Classification of Qur’anic Sciences from Terminological Point of view [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2018, Pages 28-53]


  • Revelation occasion Analysis of Ayatollah Ma’rifat’s Viewpoint concerning the Relation between the Wording of the Verse with the Revelation Occasion [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 24-43]


  • Sūrat al-Ḥujurāt Exploring the Dating of Sūra al-Ḥujurāt and its Effect on the Critique of the Traditions of Revelation Order [Volume 23, Issue 87, 2018, Pages 62-79]
  • Sūrat al-Naḥl Delving into the Meaning of Al-Dhikr in Verse 44 of Sūat al-Naḥl [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 120-139]
  • Sūrat Maryam The Role of Context and the Intra-textual Factors in Uncovering the Purpose of Sūrat Maryam [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 72-97]


  • Tafsīr al-Mīzān The Role of Context and the Intra-textual Factors in Uncovering the Purpose of Sūrat Maryam [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2018, Pages 72-97]
  • Terminology Classification of Qur’anic Sciences from Terminological Point of view [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2018, Pages 28-53]


  • Zayd b. Ḥāritha Heavenly Union; A Critique of the Fictitious Story of the Prophet’s (S.A.W.) Falling in Love with Zaynab, Daughter of Jaḥsh [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2018, Pages 74-101]
  • Zaynab daughter of Jaḥsh Heavenly Union; A Critique of the Fictitious Story of the Prophet’s (S.A.W.) Falling in Love with Zaynab, Daughter of Jaḥsh [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2018, Pages 74-101]