Keyword Index


  • Al-Tamhīd Typology of Ayatollah Ma’refat’s Approach of Qur’anic Studies and the Context of their Formation (With Emphasis on Inimitability, Interpretation, and Abrogation) [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2021, Pages 47-66]
  • Amīn al-Khūlī Vocabulary Analysis in Literary Interpretations of the Qur’an with Emphasis on the School of Contemporary Literary Interpretation [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2021, Pages 105-126]
  • Ayatollah Ma’refat Typology of Ayatollah Ma’refat’s Approach of Qur’anic Studies and the Context of their Formation (With Emphasis on Inimitability, Interpretation, and Abrogation) [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2021, Pages 47-66]


  • Bible Characteristics and Signs of the Guardianship of the Qur’an Compared to Previous Books [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 43-64]


  • Companions of the Sabbath The Analysis of the Difference between the Companions of the Sabbath and the Antecedent in Verse 124 of Sūrat Al-Naḥl [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2021, Pages 127-150]


  • Eloquence A Comprehensive Approach to the Typology of Verbal Priority and Posterity in the Qur’an [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2021, Pages 31-54]
  • Essence Purity of Primitive Human Inner Nature from the Perspective of the Verses of the Qur’an [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 123-142]


  • Faṣda‘ bi mā tu‘mar Study of the Function of the Verse "Faṣda‘ bi mā tu‘maru…" in the Quality of The Holy Prophet's Religious Mission [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2021, Pages 47-70]
  • Fayḍ Kāshānī and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī A Comparative Study of the Arguments of the Theory "The Semantic Expansion of the Qur’ān's Words" From the Viewpoints of Fayḍ Kāshānī and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2021, Pages 5-26]


  • Humanities Challenges of Delving into the Specialized Terminology of Humanities’ in the Qur’an [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2021, Pages 25-46]


  • Inference Examining Meta-contextual Inferences Centered on the Interpretation of Verse 5 of Sūrat al-Aḥzāb [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 65-82]
  • Interpretation A Comprehensive Approach to the Typology of Verbal Priority and Posterity in the Qur’an [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2021, Pages 31-54]
  • Interpretation Examining Meta-contextual Inferences Centered on the Interpretation of Verse 5 of Sūrat al-Aḥzāb [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 65-82]
  • Interpretive Method A Research on the Admissibility or Inadmissibility of Philosophical Interpretation [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2021, Pages 5-24]
  • Islamic entrepreneurship Personality Traits of Entrepreneurs in the Qur’an Case Study: Motivational Trait of “Seeking Success” [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2021, Pages 151-172]


  • Jamal al-Din Qasemi Salafism in the Exegetical Approach of Jamal al-Din Qasemi Centered around Monotheism [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2021, Pages 137-156]


  • Maḥāsin al-ta’wīl Salafism in the Exegetical Approach of Jamal al-Din Qasemi Centered around Monotheism [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2021, Pages 137-156]
  • Mekkan and Medinan Discourse Perspective and its Function in Recognizing the History and Ambience of Sūrah Revelation Case study: Sūrat al-Ādiyāt [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 103-122]


  • Narrations Content Critique of the Narrations of the Revelation Order with an Emphasis on the Verses of Ḥijāb [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2021, Pages 117-136]


  • Persian language Conceptology of the Word Ḥarf in the Verse ﴾And among the People are those who Worship Allah on the Fringe﴿ (With Emphasis on the Pathology of Contemporary Persian Translations of the Holy Qur’an) [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2021, Pages 137-154]
  • Philosophy A Research on the Admissibility or Inadmissibility of Philosophical Interpretation [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2021, Pages 5-24]


  • Qur’an Critique of the Qur’an-centered Approach in the Process of Jurisprudential Inference [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 25-42]
  • Qur’an Characteristics and Signs of the Guardianship of the Qur’an Compared to Previous Books [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 43-64]
  • Qur’an A Deliberation on Graceful Patience in the Biography of Prophet Ya‘qūb (A.S.) [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 83-102]
  • Qur’an-centeredness Critique of the Qur’an-centered Approach in the Process of Jurisprudential Inference [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 25-42]
  • Qur’anic argument Delving into Rosalind W. Gwynne’s View of the Fundamental Elements of Reasoning in the Holy Qur’an [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2021, Pages 117-136]
  • Qur’anic studies Typology of Ayatollah Ma’refat’s Approach of Qur’anic Studies and the Context of their Formation (With Emphasis on Inimitability, Interpretation, and Abrogation) [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2021, Pages 47-66]
  • Qur’anic terms Vocabulary Analysis in Literary Interpretations of the Qur’an with Emphasis on the School of Contemporary Literary Interpretation [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2021, Pages 105-126]


  • Resurrection Discourse Perspective and its Function in Recognizing the History and Ambience of Sūrah Revelation Case study: Sūrat al-Ādiyāt [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 103-122]
  • Revealed books Characteristics and Signs of the Guardianship of the Qur’an Compared to Previous Books [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 43-64]
  • Revelation era Discourse Perspective and its Function in Recognizing the History and Ambience of Sūrah Revelation Case study: Sūrat al-Ādiyāt [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 103-122]
  • Rosalind Gwynne Delving into Rosalind W. Gwynne’s View of the Fundamental Elements of Reasoning in the Holy Qur’an [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2021, Pages 117-136]


  • Sabbath The Analysis of the Difference between the Companions of the Sabbath and the Antecedent in Verse 124 of Sūrat Al-Naḥl [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2021, Pages 127-150]
  • Salafism Salafism in the Exegetical Approach of Jamal al-Din Qasemi Centered around Monotheism [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2021, Pages 137-156]
  • Saturday The Analysis of the Difference between the Companions of the Sabbath and the Antecedent in Verse 124 of Sūrat Al-Naḥl [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2021, Pages 127-150]
  • Sunnah Critique of the Qur’an-centered Approach in the Process of Jurisprudential Inference [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 25-42]
  • Sūrat al-Ādiyāt Discourse Perspective and its Function in Recognizing the History and Ambience of Sūrah Revelation Case study: Sūrat al-Ādiyāt [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 103-122]
  • Sūrat al-Ghāfir The Educational Dimensions of Sūrat Al-Ghāfir with Reliance on Tafsīr Al-Mīzān by Means of Data-based Method [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2021, Pages 77-104]


  • Tafsīr al-Mīzān The Educational Dimensions of Sūrat Al-Ghāfir with Reliance on Tafsīr Al-Mīzān by Means of Data-based Method [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2021, Pages 77-104]
  • Terminology Challenges of Delving into the Specialized Terminology of Humanities’ in the Qur’an [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2021, Pages 25-46]
  • The essence of meaning A Comparative Study of the Arguments of the Theory "The Semantic Expansion of the Qur’ān's Words" From the Viewpoints of Fayḍ Kāshānī and ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2021, Pages 5-26]
  • Torah Characteristics and Signs of the Guardianship of the Qur’an Compared to Previous Books [Volume 26, Issue 101, 2021, Pages 43-64]