Keyword Index


  • Allama Tabataba’i Comparison of the Viewpoints of Shahid Mutahari and Allama Tabataba’i on the Philosophy and Conditions of Polygamy [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 49-72]
  • Almizan Allameh Tabatabayee's Qur’ān to Qur’ān Exegetical Patterns: A Case Study of Hamd Chapter [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 153-180]
  • Aloosi A Comparative Study of Aloosi's and Salafiya's Theological-Exegetical Approaches on the Issue of Believing the Unseen [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 79-100]
  • Amid Zanjani Investigating and Criticizing Amid Zanjani's Viewpoint in the Book Entitled as "The Foundations and Methods of Qur'an Interpretation" [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 149-173]
  • Ayatollah Ma'refat Recognition and Quantitative Analysis of Ayatollah Ma'refat's Book of Attafsirol athari aljami' References: A Case Study of Hamd Chapter [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 133-152]


  • Believing the unseen A Comparative Study of Aloosi's and Salafiya's Theological-Exegetical Approaches on the Issue of Believing the Unseen [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 79-100]


  • Content Analysis Discovering the Social-Political Implications of Chapter Naml Using a Content Analysis Method [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 5-30]
  • Creation An Inquiry into the Interpretation of Arba‘ati Ayyām (Four Days) of Sūrat Fuṣṣilat [Volume 24, Issue 92, 2019, Pages 83-100]


  • Divine justice The Validity of the Qur'anic Outwards through the Lens of Justice Practitioners and Determinists [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 101-118]


  • Earth An Inquiry into the Interpretation of Arba‘ati Ayyām (Four Days) of Sūrat Fuṣṣilat [Volume 24, Issue 92, 2019, Pages 83-100]


  • God's habits The Validity of the Qur'anic Outwards through the Lens of Justice Practitioners and Determinists [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 101-118]


  • Hamd chapter Recognition and Quantitative Analysis of Ayatollah Ma'refat's Book of Attafsirol athari aljami' References: A Case Study of Hamd Chapter [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 133-152]
  • Hamd chapter Allameh Tabatabayee's Qur’ān to Qur’ān Exegetical Patterns: A Case Study of Hamd Chapter [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 153-180]
  • Holy Qur’an A Critical Review of the Function of the Holy Qur’an’s Translators in Translation of Alternation (Tanāwub) and Syntactic Quotation (Taḍmīn) (A Case Study of Translations of Messrs Khorramshahi, Makarem Shirazi, and Fouladvand) [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 25-48]


  • Ijtihadi interpretation foundations Investigating and Criticizing Amid Zanjani's Viewpoint in the Book Entitled as "The Foundations and Methods of Qur'an Interpretation" [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 149-173]
  • Imam Ali's Book Testing Validity of the Reasons and Criteria for Determining Revelation Order of the Qur’ān [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 105-132]
  • Interpretation Analyzing and Validating Ahlulbait's Traditions about "the Validity of the Companion's Exegeses" by Investigating Ayatollah Ma'refat's Opinions [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 119-148]
  • Interpretation The Semantic Study of Yaḥyā b. Salām’s Perspectives Concerning the Qur’anic Terminology [Volume 24, Issue 92, 2019, Pages 5-32]


  • Leiden Encyclopedia of the Qur’an Studying the Article “Contracts and Alliances” of the Leiden Encyclopedia of the Qur’an [Volume 24, Issue 92, 2019, Pages 151-172]
  • Linguistics The Semantic Study of Yaḥyā b. Salām’s Perspectives Concerning the Qur’anic Terminology [Volume 24, Issue 92, 2019, Pages 5-32]


  • Ma'refat Analyzing and Validating Ahlulbait's Traditions about "the Validity of the Companion's Exegeses" by Investigating Ayatollah Ma'refat's Opinions [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 119-148]
  • Mughniya A Comparative Research on the Epochality of Understanding the Qur’an from the Viewpoints of Mughniya and Shaltut [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 73-94]


  • Naml Discovering the Social-Political Implications of Chapter Naml Using a Content Analysis Method [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 5-30]
  • Norman Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis of the Story of the Prophet Moses (A.S.) in the Holy Qur’an (Based on Norman Fairclough Model) [Volume 24, Issue 92, 2019, Pages 59-82]


  • Political Discovering the Social-Political Implications of Chapter Naml Using a Content Analysis Method [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 5-30]
  • Power Discovering the Social-Political Implications of Chapter Naml Using a Content Analysis Method [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 5-30]


  • Qur’ān description Stating and Analyzing the Divine Wisdom in Revelation Engineering of Qur'ān Description in the Qur'ān [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 51-78]
  • Qur’ānic discourse Syntactic Deviation in the Qur’ānic Discourse based on the Substitution of Nouns to Verbs [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 31-50]
  • Qur'anic outward manifestation authenticity The Validity of the Qur'anic Outwards through the Lens of Justice Practitioners and Determinists [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 101-118]
  • Qur’anic terminology The Semantic Study of Yaḥyā b. Salām’s Perspectives Concerning the Qur’anic Terminology [Volume 24, Issue 92, 2019, Pages 5-32]
  • Qur’ānic titles Stating and Analyzing the Divine Wisdom in Revelation Engineering of Qur'ān Description in the Qur'ān [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 51-78]
  • Qur’an scholars An Inquiry into the Opinions and Thoughts of Subhi Mansour with an Emphasis on Ṣalāt in the Qur’an [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 149-170]
  • Qur’an’s names The Onomastic Researches of the Qur’an and their Pathologies [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 95-122]
  • Qur’ān to Qur’ān Allameh Tabatabayee's Qur’ān to Qur’ān Exegetical Patterns: A Case Study of Hamd Chapter [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 153-180]


  • Revelation occasion Dating Sūrat al-Qadr with an Emphasis on the Sūra being Meccan or Medinan [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 123-148]
  • Right Discovering the Social-Political Implications of Chapter Naml Using a Content Analysis Method [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 5-30]


  • Shahid Mutahari Comparison of the Viewpoints of Shahid Mutahari and Allama Tabataba’i on the Philosophy and Conditions of Polygamy [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 49-72]
  • Shaltut A Comparative Research on the Epochality of Understanding the Qur’an from the Viewpoints of Mughniya and Shaltut [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 73-94]
  • Stand for Allah An Analysis of Divine Exhortation in the Forty-seventh Verse of Saba' Chapter [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 5-28]
  • Stories of the Qur’an The Functionology of Repetition of the Qur’anic Stories with an Emphasis on the Correlation of the Verse of the Sūras in Purpose (Case Study of the Folk of Thamūd’s Story) [Volume 24, Issue 92, 2019, Pages 101-126]
  • Subhi Mansour An Inquiry into the Opinions and Thoughts of Subhi Mansour with an Emphasis on Ṣalāt in the Qur’an [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 149-170]
  • Sūrat al-Luqmān The Perfectionist Educational Principles and Methods in the Qur’an with an Emphasis on Sūrat al-Luqmān [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 5-24]
  • Sūrat al-Qadr Dating Sūrat al-Qadr with an Emphasis on the Sūra being Meccan or Medinan [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2019, Pages 123-148]
  • Sūrat Fuṣṣilat An Inquiry into the Interpretation of Arba‘ati Ayyām (Four Days) of Sūrat Fuṣṣilat [Volume 24, Issue 92, 2019, Pages 83-100]


  • The Qur’ān Discovering the Social-Political Implications of Chapter Naml Using a Content Analysis Method [Volume 24, Issue 90, 2019, Pages 5-30]
  • Throne An Analysis of the Reality of Throne and the Meaning of its Carriers Focusing on the Seventeenth Verse of Chapter Al-Hāqqah [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 29-54]


  • Validity Analyzing and Validating Ahlulbait's Traditions about "the Validity of the Companion's Exegeses" by Investigating Ayatollah Ma'refat's Opinions [Volume 24, Issue 91, 2019, Pages 119-148]


  • Yaḥyā b. Salām The Semantic Study of Yaḥyā b. Salām’s Perspectives Concerning the Qur’anic Terminology [Volume 24, Issue 92, 2019, Pages 5-32]