Author Index



  • Bahmanī, Sa‘īd The Standard for Qur'anic Research [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 142-175]
  • Bahrāmī, Muḥammad The Bond among the Āyas of the Qur'anic Sūras in Tafsīr fī Ẓalāl [Volume 15, 59-60, 2009, Pages 180-199]
  • Bahrāmī, Muḥammad Role of Qur'anic Sciences in the Legal Reasoning (Ijtihād) Method of al-Shahīdayn [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 52-77]
  • Bahrāmī, Muḥammad Semantics of Faith from the Viewpoint of al-Shahīd al-Thānī [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 112-131]
  • Bahrāmī, Muḥammad Purposefulness of the Sūras of the Qur'an in Marāghī's Tafsīr [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 50-81]



  • Jahānbīn, Muḥammad A Critical Review of the Translation of the Sūras of the Qur'an in Mafātīḥ al-Janān [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 210-227]


  • Khāmagar, Muḥammad The Method for Inference of Scientific Propositions from the Structure of the Sūras (A Case Study of the Principle of a Religious Society's convergence in the structure of Sūrat Āl-i ‘Imrān) [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 110-139]



  • Na‘īm Amīnī, Umm Salama An Inquiry into the Conceptology of Khatm and Ṭab‘ upon the Heart from the Viewpoint of the Qur'an [Volume 15, 59-60, 2009, Pages 254-291]
  • Naṣīḥat, Nāhīd Artistic Manifestations of the Story of Prophet Abraham (A.S.) in the Qur'an [Volume 15, 59-60, 2009, Pages 292-314]


  • Pākzād, ‘Abd al-‘Alī The Skill for Overcoming Financial Poverty in View of the Qur'an [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 176-209]
  • Parandevajī, Na‘īma Artistic Manifestations of the Story of Prophet Abraham (A.S.) in the Qur'an [Volume 15, 59-60, 2009, Pages 292-314]


  • Qulīzāda, Ḥaydar The Status of Syntactic-Rhetorical Structure of Indirect Object (in the Translation of the Qur'an) [Volume 15, 59-60, 2009, Pages 316-351]


  • Rahbarī, Ḥasan Concept of Ta’wīl in Sūrat al-Yūsif [Volume 15, 59-60, 2009, Pages 232-252]
  • Rahbarī, Ḥasan Yūsuf (A.S.), a Warrior in the Arena of Battle against the Carnal Self [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 156-179]
  • Rajā’ī, Ṭāhira Ayatollah Ma‘rifat's Methods in Al-Tafsīr al-Atharī al-Jāmi‘ [Volume 15, 59-60, 2009, Pages 352-383]
  • Riḍa’ī Bīrānvand, Aḥad Persian Equivalents of Past Tense Verbs in Translations of the Qur'an [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2009, Pages 228-243]


  • Sajjādī, Sayyid Ibrāhīm The Qur'an and the Educational Reflection of Four-folded Human Relations [Volume 15, 59-60, 2009, Pages 90-139]
  • Sajjādī, Sayyid Ibrāhīm Qur'anic Approach of al-Shahīd al-Awwal to Political Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 78-111]
  • Sa‘īdbakhsh, Ḥamīd Theory of Polyhedral Geometry of the Qur'anic Verses [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 180-211]
  • Shahpasand, Ilāha Status of the Occasions of Revelation in Masālik al-Afhām [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 132-153]


  • Torabi, Ahmad al-Shahīdayn, dvocates speaking Quran [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2009, Pages 4-17]


  • Zhiyān, Fāṭima Examining the Opinions of Deniers and Confirmers of Abrogation in Āyat al-Najwā [Volume 15, 59-60, 2009, Pages 200-231]